Monday, April 7, 2008

24-week Training Calendar on Google

April 21 is when the countdown starts!!!  There is a 24-week training schedule provided to participants - this is designed to prepare you for the immense number of miles that you will walk at the Breast Cancer 3-Day.  It starts off pretty easy, progresses to longer walks, and a couple of back-to-back walks that are close to actual mileage at the event.

I created a public calendar on Google Calendar that can be viewed/used by anyone who uses Google Calendar.  Just search for "DC 3-Day" and it should be the first one on the list.  If you have any questions or anything, just let me know.

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far!!!  I really appreciate it.  Stay tuned to follow my fundraising and training progress :)

Current Total:  $485


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