Friday, November 7, 2008

I finished! Photos are posted!

Well, it's been a month since the 3-Day, and I'm almost recovered :) The event was great! THANK YOU SO MUCH to all my supporters!!! You enabled me to reach the milestone of over $3000 which earned me a fundraising button for my lanyard (aka $3K bling!)

The hills were way more than I expected, and I am pretty sure that they were the main contributor to the insane blisters that I got. I had two lanced the first night and five the second. My feet are almost completely healed now, but walking was pretty rough the first week or so afterward. There are still a couple of blisters that I never popped that are just now healed underneath and popped today. Very weird.

My final mileage was 14 miles Friday, 12 miles Saturday, and 9 miles Sunday - 35 miles total!!!

I uploaded photos from all three days to my new photo site. Click on "Events" to see photos from this year's walk and last year when I was a crew member.

This will probably be the last post to this blog, but I plan on keeping up with my main blog much more than I have been. Please visit me there and feel free to leave comments or drop me an email!

I won't be walking the 3-Day next year, but I've taken on the duty of "cheer captain" for my friend Stephanie's 2009 Washington DC Breast Cancer 3-Day Team, The Rockstars. Please visit Stephanie's 3-Day Fundraising Page and help her reach her goal of $3000.

Thank you again!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

8 miles - on the road

While I am still waiting for my new shoes to arrive, I am still working with last year's Mizunos. I can't speak highly enough of these running shoes - especially if you have wide feet. Elite Runners & Walkers in Pittsburgh originally fit me in Mizunos in 2001, when I went to Metro Run & Walk in Rockville last year for new running shoes, it was Mizunos again. Well, like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I went back to MR&W for new ones this year. Unfortunately, I wear a 9.5 wide, so they had to order them for me.

Last night I put together all the envelopes/letters to stick on the doors of all the condos in my complex. I will probably be sending out emails and letters to everyone else I know today or tomorrow. To those who have already sponsored me, THANK YOU! I really do hope that I can meet my $5000 goal this year. To those who haven't yet, but want to, please visit my site.

I decided to take my training out of the gym and into the real world since the weather was so nice this weekend. I got up around 7:45a this morning, and was finally ready to leave the house at around 8:15a. My plan was to walk to Falls Grove, have breakfast at Panera, and then walk home. Measured in my car, it's about 4 miles each way. What I didn't note when I was measuring the distance were the number of hills there were in those four miles!

As hard as it was my first time out on the roads, I DID IT! :) My feet are pretty sore, but they are currently soaking in Epsom Salt water, and I have my awesome Tevas close by, which after a long walk, feel like walking on pillows. It got a little warmer outside than I was expecting - or at least the sun was stronger than I was expecting. I think I need to go out earlier in the morning next time.

I hope everyone is enjoying watching the Olympics - it is working as a pretty good motivator for me. Until next time...


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blogging Update

So, rather than keeping up two separate blogging entries for my 3-Day training, I will be cross-posting on both this blog and my regular/personal blog. This way, people who follow either one will be able to see how training is going, etc.

Re-post from Sunday, July 6

Title: a brand new blister!

Today's schedule called for 6 miles. I was pretty sore this morning - the top of my right hamstring and the part of my shin muscle near my left ankle were pretty achy, but I was determined to do ALL my mileage this weekend. After breakfast, I dragged Matt to REI so I could check out their toe socks. See, in 2002 (the last time I walked in the 3-Day) the only blister I got was on the second toe from the end on my right foot. That is the same place I have been getting one for the last week, so when I found these toe socks ( online and figured they may work.

I hopefully put on the new socks and made my way to the gym with my fun pink ipod and new water bottle in tow :) making sure to throw some extra WrightSocks ( in my bag, just in case. I have sworn by those socks for quite a while, so I figured they would work great as a backup.

Sure enough, most of the way into my first 3 miles, I felt my toe twinging a little, but even worse, I felt a hotspot on my left foot. After 3 miles, I took a break to stretch and then went to change my socks. And there it was - the new blister! Not fully formed, but the beginnings were clearly there.

Ok, for those who have known me a while, you know that I was a gymnast for a long time. Pushing through pain was a common occurrence (which may explain some of my current issues, but I digress.) The thought of "no pain, no gain" popped into my head, so I put on my other socks and went back to the treadmill. 3 more miles, and ta-da! A fully formed blister on my left foot :)

Mondays are my days off from training, so I'm hoping it will dry up and start to callus by Tuesday. Tuesday is only 3 miles, so either way, as long as it is better by next weekend I should be good.

Sorry for the epistle, but I want to try to "journal" my training and experiences. Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me and to everyone who's following my training. Drop me a message, email, whatever works! And check it out - two updates in two days!

~T :)

Re-post from Saturday, July 5

TITLE: Trying to find some motivation

So I've been looking for some motivation to help with my 3-Day training. Right now I'm actually watching Bring It On: In It to Win It. For anyone who has seen either of the first two Bring It On movies, this one takes it to an entirely new level. 35 minutes into the movie and I've already seen two (maybe three) middle fingers and one girl doing what can only be described as a pole dance minus the actual pole. I can only say that the undertones and innuendo in this movie are WAY more than anything you saw in the first two.

As for my training, it's going so-so at this point. I had class last week that wiped me out and got me home late and exhausted. I actually went to bed at 7:30 one night!

I am determined that this week will be better, though. My training schedule has 7 miles today and 6 miles tomorrow. I did 3.5 miles on the treadmill before lunch and I am planning on another 3 or so before dinner. The loop around the block is about a mile and there a couple of small hills which should be good practice.

OK, that's about it for now. Keep your fingers crossed that my blister becomes a callus soon. And, if you feel so motivated, leave me a comment or two :)


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Socks and Shoes

In response to Courtney's comment below...

Yes, that blister WAS gross!!! I will have to try to dig out some of our pics from the last time we walked (I can't believe that was 2002!) I will try to post some if I can find them.

I was re-fitted for shoes last year at Metro Run & Walk and they did an amazing job. Same type of store as Elite or Fleet Feet (both of those are also great stores.) I got another pair of Mizunos - which I LOVE! I walk on the outside of my foot, and I have really high arches and kinda wide feet. These are great shoes - they barely feel like I am wearing anything. I have been wearing them too much though, so I think I am going to go back and get two pairs that I will only use for training and the event.

Don't forget to get good socks, too!! The first year, I wore WrightSocks classic socks. I got a pair of the CoolMesh ones last year (they were cute!) and I think I might like them even better. I am going to get a few more pairs of those and see how they work. I like the cushion in the Thorlos socks, but I think they make my feet sweat too much for this use. They are great for non-cardio at the gym, though.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Offical Day of Training!!!

According to the 24-week training calendar, today is the first official training day! It happened to also fall on my regularly scheduled personal training day and I mentioned the calendar to Audrie (my awesome trainer). This of course led her to take me outside to walk around the lake - while carrying a 4 pound ball! I had already done about 1.25-1.5 miles on the treadmill; Audrie and I did 2 full and 1 of the "shortcut" laps around the lake (for those of you familiar with this area - the lake at Rio.) Assuming that I marked it all correctly on Google Maps, the full loop is .78 miles and the "shortcut" loops is .73 miles.

The bottoms of my feet are a little sore, but I'm sure that will improve. I need to get some more of the awesome walking socks that Wrightsock makes. They are amazing! That and I need to figure out the weird thing that my second to last toe is doing. It kinda sits under my middle toe and gets kinda pinched - I am pretty sure that was where I ended up with a blister the last time I did this event, so I'd like to avoid repeating that.

Total mileage today: ~3.5 miles