Sunday, August 3, 2008

Re-post from Sunday, July 6

Title: a brand new blister!

Today's schedule called for 6 miles. I was pretty sore this morning - the top of my right hamstring and the part of my shin muscle near my left ankle were pretty achy, but I was determined to do ALL my mileage this weekend. After breakfast, I dragged Matt to REI so I could check out their toe socks. See, in 2002 (the last time I walked in the 3-Day) the only blister I got was on the second toe from the end on my right foot. That is the same place I have been getting one for the last week, so when I found these toe socks ( online and figured they may work.

I hopefully put on the new socks and made my way to the gym with my fun pink ipod and new water bottle in tow :) making sure to throw some extra WrightSocks ( in my bag, just in case. I have sworn by those socks for quite a while, so I figured they would work great as a backup.

Sure enough, most of the way into my first 3 miles, I felt my toe twinging a little, but even worse, I felt a hotspot on my left foot. After 3 miles, I took a break to stretch and then went to change my socks. And there it was - the new blister! Not fully formed, but the beginnings were clearly there.

Ok, for those who have known me a while, you know that I was a gymnast for a long time. Pushing through pain was a common occurrence (which may explain some of my current issues, but I digress.) The thought of "no pain, no gain" popped into my head, so I put on my other socks and went back to the treadmill. 3 more miles, and ta-da! A fully formed blister on my left foot :)

Mondays are my days off from training, so I'm hoping it will dry up and start to callus by Tuesday. Tuesday is only 3 miles, so either way, as long as it is better by next weekend I should be good.

Sorry for the epistle, but I want to try to "journal" my training and experiences. Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me and to everyone who's following my training. Drop me a message, email, whatever works! And check it out - two updates in two days!

~T :)

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